Cookie Run Kingdom Toppings Guide 2024: Select Toppings For Cookies Cookie Run Kingdom Toppings – Best build guide for all Cookies: We always learn and update how to build a suitable topping for each cookie. When choosing the right Toppings, the power of cookies will increase and help you win. Cookie Run Kingdom Toppings Guide Enhancements Acquisition Leveling Attributes Types Combination Effects Strategy Customization What Toppings Are Best For Cookies In Cookie Run: Kingdom? SearchSearch Peach Blossom Cookie Cloud Haetae Cookie Mystic Flour Cookie Cream Ferret Cookie See More: All Cookies CookiesToppingsGolden Cheese Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate, (5) Searing Raspberry or (5) Radiant Cheese RaspberryDark Cacao Cookie Toppings(5) Solid Almond or [ (3) Solid Almond + (2) Swift Chocolate ]Hollyberry Cookie Toppings(5) Solid Almond or (5) Swift ChocolatePure Vanilla Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate or [ (3) Swift Chocolate + (2) Solid Almond ]Pitaya Dragon Cookie Toppings(5) Draconic Raspberry or (5) Searing RaspberryMoonlight Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate, (5) Searing Raspberry or (5) Moonkissed AlmondBlack Pearl Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry, (5) Solid Almond, (5) Swift Chocolate or [ (4) Swift Chocolate + (1) Juicy Apple Jelly ]Frost Queen Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate, (5) Searing Raspberry or [ (3) Searing Raspberry + (2) Swift Chocolate ]Sea Fairy Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry, (5) Swift Chocolate or [ (3) Searing Raspberry + (2) Solid Almond ]Crimson Coral Cookie Toppings (5) Solid Almond or (5) Radiant Cheese ChocolateShining Glitter Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry, (5) Tropical Apple Jelly or (5) Swift ChocolateCapsaicin Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry or (5) Solid AlmondStardust Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry, (5) Moonkissed Raspberry or (5) Juicy Apple JellySherbet Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry, (5) Swift Chocolate or (5) Solid AlmondOyster Cookie Toppings(2) Swift Chocolate + (3) Solid Almond ], (5) Swift Chocolate or (5) Solid AlmondClotted Cream Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry or (5) Solid AlmondBurnt Cheese Cookie Toppings(5) Solid Almond, (5) Searing RaspberryFrilled Jellyfish Cookie Toppings (5) Swift Chocolate or (5) Searing RaspberryPeppermint Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate or [ (3) Swift Chocolate + (2) Solid Almond ]Black Lemonade Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry or (5) Solid AlmondRockstar Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate, (5) Tropical Chocolate or (5) Juicy Apple JellyTarte Tatin Cookie Toppings(5) Solid Almond or (5) Searing RaspberryRoyal Margarine Cookie Toppings(5) Draconic Raspberry, (5) Searing Raspberry, (5) Draconic Almond, (5) Solid Almond or [ (3) Draconic Almond + (2) Draconic ChocolateKouign-Amann Cookie Toppings (5) Solid Almond or (5) Trio AlmondPrune Juice Cookie Toppings (5) Solid Almond, (5) Trio Raspberry or (5) Swift ChocolateSpace Doughnut Toppings(5) Moonkissed Almond, [ (3) Moonkissed Raspberry + (2) Moonkissed Almond ], (5) Moonkissed Raspberry, (5) Moonkissed ChocolateBlueberry Pie Cookie Toppings(5) Moonkissed Raspberry or (5) Moonkissed ChocolateMilky Way Cookie Toppings(5) Solid Almond or (5) Swift Chocolate.Prophet Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate or (5) Solid AlmondPinecone Cookie Toppings (5) Solid Almond, [ (2) Solid Almond + (3) Searing Raspberry ], (5) Swift Chocolate, (5) Searing Raspberry or (5) Juicy Apple Jelly].Carol Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate or (5) Solid AlmondMacaron Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry or (5) Swift ChocolateSchwarzwälder Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate or (5) Solid AlmondCandy Diver Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate or (5) Sweet CandyCaptain Caviar Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry, (5) Solid Almond or (5) Swift ChocolateCream Unicorn Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate or (5) Solid AlmondFinancier Cookie Toppings(3) Solid Almond + (2) Healthy Peanut ], (5) Solid Almond or [ (4) Solid Almond + (1) Swift Chocolate ]Crunchy Chip Cookie Toppings(5) Solid Almond, (5) Juicy Apple Jelly or (5) Searing RaspberryWildberry Cookie Toppings(5) Solid AlmondCherry Blossom Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry, [ (3) Searing Raspberry + (2) Swift Chocolate ], [ (3) Juicy Apple Jelly + (2) Swift Chocolate ]Caramel Arrow Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry, [ (3) Searing Raspberry + (2) Juicy Apple Jelly ], (5) Juicy Apple Jelly, [ (3) Searing Raspberry + (2) Bouncing Caramel ], (5) Bouncing CaramelAffogato Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry, [ (3) Searing Raspberry + (2) Swift Chocolate ]Tea Knight Cookie Toppings(5) Solid AlmondEclair Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate, (5) Searing RaspberryCocoa Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate, (5) Solid AlmondCotton Cookie Toppings[ (3) Swift Chocolate + (2) Solid Almond ], [ (3) Solid Almond + (2) Swift Chocolate ].Pumpkin Pie Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry, (5) Solid Almond.Twizzly Gummy Cookie Toppings (5) Searing Raspberry, (5) Juicy Apple Jelly, [ (3) Searing Raspberry + (2) Juicy Apple Jelly ], [ (3) Searing Raspberry + (2) Swift Chocolate ]Mala Sauce Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate, (5) Solid Almond, (5) Searing RaspberryMoon Rabbit Cookie Toppings (5) Swift Chocolate, (5) Solid Almond or [ (3) Swift Chocolate + (2) Solid Almond ].Raspberry Cookie Toppings(4) Swift Chocolate + (1) Solid Almond or (3) Searing Raspberry + (2) Solid Almond.Parfait Cookie Toppings[(2) Swift Chocolate + (3) Solid Almond], (5) Swift Chocolate or (5) Solid Almond.Squid Ink Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry or (5) Swift ChocolateSorbet Shark Cookie Toppings[ (4) Searing Raspberry + (1) Swift Chocolate ], (5) Swift Chocolate or [ (3) Searing Raspberry + (1) Sea Salt Raspberry + (1) Swift Chocolate ]Lilac Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate, (3) Swift Chocolate + (2) Solid AlmondMango Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry or (5) Swift ChocolateRed Velvet Cookie Toppings (5) Swift Chocolate or (5) Solid AlmondPastry Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry or (3) Searing Raspberry + (2) Bouncing CaramelFig Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate, (5) Solid Almond or (5) Sweet CandyBlack Raisin Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry or (5) Radiant Cheese RaspberryLatte Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate or (5) Searing RaspberryCream Puff Cookie Toppings [ (3) Juicy Apple Jelly + (2) Swift Chocolate ], (5) Juicy Apple Jelly or (5) Swift ChocolateKumiho Cookie Toppings(5) Solid Almond or [ (4) Swift Chocolate + (1) Solid Almond ]Werewolf Cookie Toppings(5) Solid Almond or [ (3) Solid Almond + (2) Searing Raspberry ]Vampire Cookie Toppings(5) Searing RaspberryTiger Lily Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate, [ (3) Swift Chocolate + (2) Searing Raspberry ] or (5) Solid AlmondStrawberry Crepe Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate, (5) Solid Almond, (5) Hard Walnut or [ (3) Hard Walnut + (2) Healthy Peanut ]Sparkling Cookie Toppings (5) Sweet Candy or (5) Swift ChocolateSnow Sugar Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry or [ (3) Searing Raspberry + (2) Swift Chocolate ]Rye Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry, (5) Bouncing Caramel or (5) Juicy Apple JellyPurple Yam Cookie Toppings(5) Solid Almond or (5) Searing RaspberryPomegranate Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate or (5) Sweet CandyPoison Mushroom Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry or (5) Swift ChocolateMint Choco Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate or (5) Sweet CandyMilk Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate, (5) Solid Almond or (5) Hard WalnutMadeleine Cookie Toppings[ (3) Searing Raspberry + (2) Solid Almond ] or (5) Solid AlmondLicorice Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate or (5) Searing RaspberryHerb Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry or [ (3) Searing Raspberry + (2) Swift Chocolate ]Espresso Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry, [ (3) Swift Chocolate + (2) Searing Raspberry ] or (5) Swift Chocolate.Dark Choco Cookie Toppings(5) Solid AlmondChili Pepper Cookie Toppings(5) Juicy Apple Jelly or (5) Searing RaspberryAlmond Cookie Toppings(5) Swift ChocolateSnapdragon Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate or (5) Draconic ChocolateTails Cookie Toppings(5) Searing RaspberrySonic Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry or [ (3) Searing Raspberry + (2) Swift Chocolate ]Devil Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry or (5) Swift ChocolatePrincess Cookie ToppingsPancake Cookie ToppingsOnion Cookie ToppingsKnight Cookie ToppingsGumball Cookie ToppingsCustard Cookie III Toppings(5) Sweet CandyClover Cookie ToppingsCherry Cookie ToppingsCarrot Cookie ToppingsBlackberry Cookie ToppingsAvocado Cookie ToppingsAlchemist Cookie ToppingsAdventurer Cookie ToppingsWizard Cookie ToppingsStrawberry Cookie ToppingsNinja Cookie ToppingsMuscle Cookie ToppingsGingerBrave ToppingsBeet Cookie ToppingsAngel Cookie ToppingsFettuccine Cookie Toppings(5) Solid Almond, (5) Swift Chocolate or (5) Searing RaspberryOlive Cookie Toppings[ (5) Swift Chocolate ] or [ (5) Sea Salt Chocolate ]Mozzarella Cookie Toppings[ (3) Radiant Cheese Raspberry + (2) Searing Raspberry ] or [ (5) Searing Raspberry ]Icicle Yeti Cookie Toppings(5) Swift ChocolateCrème Brûlée Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry, [ (3) Searing Raspberry + (2) Juicy Apple Jelly ] or [ (3) Searing Raspberry + (2) Bouncing Caramel ]Linzer Cookie Toppings(5) Solid Almond or (5) Swift ChocolateRebel Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry or [ (3) Searing Raspberry + (2) Solid Almond ] or (5) Solid AlmondSilverbell Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate or (5) Sweet CandyWhite Lily Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry or (5) Swift ChocolateMercurial Knight Cookie Toppings(5) Solid Almond, [ (3) Solid Almond + (2) Searing Raspberry ]Elder Faerie Cookie Toppings(5) Solid Almond or (5) Swift ChocolateMatcha Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry or (5) Swift ChocolateButter Roll Cookie Toppings(5) Solid Almond, (3) Solid Almond + (2) Swift Chocolate or (3) Solid Almond + (2) Searing RaspberryCaramel Choux Cookie Toppings(5) Swift ChocolateStreet Urchin Cookie Toppings(5) Searing Raspberry or (3) Searing Raspberry + (2) Swift Chocolate.Stormbringer Cookie Toppings (5) Juicy Apple Jelly, (5) Searing Raspberry or (5) Solid Almond.Mystic Flour Cookie Toppings(5) Swift ChocolateCloud Haetae Cookie Toppings(5) Solid AlmondCream Ferret Cookie Toppings (5) Swift ChocolateWind Archer Cookie Toppings (5) Searing RaspberryBurning Spice Cookie Toppings(5) Searing RaspberryNutmeg Tiger Cookie Toppings(5) Swift Chocolate What Toppings Cookie Run: Kingdom ? Toppings will be equipped to Cookies before the match to increase strength in certain aspects such as: ATK SPD, Debuff Resist, DEF, HP, CRIT Resist, CRIT, ATK, DMG Resist, Amplify Buff, Cooldown. If you don’t know how to build Toppings for Cookies? Take a look at the suggestions we offer that will definitely be useful to you. List of Cookie Run Kingdom Toppings. Bouncing Caramel Fresh Kiwi Hard Walnut Healthy Peanut Hearty Hazelnut Juicy Apple Jelly Searing Raspberry Solid Almond Sweet Candy Swift Chocolate Toppings EffectsBouncing CaramelAttack SpeedSolid Almond DMG ResistanceSwift Chocolate CooldownSearing Raspberry AttackSweet Candy Amplify BuffsHearty Hazelnut Crit ResistanceHealthy Peanut HPFresh Kiwi Debuff ResistanceHard Walnut DEFJuicy Apple Jelly CRIT Resonant Topping: Resonant Toppings only be equipped for specific Cookies. Tropical Rock Raspberry Tropical Rock Caramel Tropical Rock Chocolate Tropical Rock Apple Jelly Tropical Rock Almond Trio Raspberry Trio Chocolate Trio Caramel Trio Apple Jelly Trio Almond Moonkissed Raspberry Moonkissed Chocolate Moonkissed Caramel Moonkissed Apple Jelly Moonkissed Almond Draconic Raspberry Draconic Chocolate Draconic Caramel Draconic Apple Jelly Draconic Almond Radiant Cheese Raspberry Radiant Cheese Chocolate Radiant Cheese Caramel Radiant Cheese Apple Jelly Radiant Cheese Almond Sea Salt Raspberry Sea Salt Chocolate Sea Salt Caramel Sea Salt Apple Jelly Sea Salt Almond Frosted Crystal Apple Jelly Frosted Crystal Caramel Frosted Crystal Almond Frosted Crystal Chocolate Frosted Crystal Raspberry Life-sprouting Raspberry Life-sprouting Almond Life-sprouting Apple Jelly Life-sprouting Caramel Life-sprouting Chocolate ToppingsEffectsTropical RaspberryATKTropical CaramelATK SPDTropical ChocolateCooldownTropical Apple JellyCRIT Tropical AlmondDMG ResistTrio RaspberryATKTrio ChocolateCooldown Trio CaramelATK SPD Trio Apple JellyCRIT Trio AlmondDMG ResistMoonkissed RaspberryATK Moonkissed ChocolateCooldown Moonkissed CaramelATK SPDMoonkissed Apple JellyCRIT Moonkissed AlmondDMG ResistDraconic RaspberryATK Draconic ChocolateCooldown Draconic CaramelATK SPDDraconic Apple JellyCRIT Draconic AlmondDMG ResistRadiant Cheese RaspberryATK Radiant Cheese ChocolateCooldown Radiant Cheese CaramelATK SPDRadiant Cheese Apple JellyCRIT Radiant Cheese AlmondDMG Resist Sea Salt RaspberryATK Sea Salt ChocolateCooldown Sea Salt CaramelATK SPDSea Salt Apple JellyCRIT Sea Salt AlmondDMG ResistFrosted Crystal Apple JellyCRIT Frosted Crystal CaramelATK SPDFrosted Crystal AlmondDMG ResistFrosted Crystal ChocolateCooldown Frosted Crystal RaspberryATK Life-sprouting RaspberryATKLife-sprouting ChocolateCooldown Life-sprouting AlmondDMG ResistLife-sprouting CaramelATK SPDLife-sprouting Apple JellyCRIT Mysterious Toppings: Mysterious Toppings is a choice chest that offers any toppings of choice. You need to install enough Toppings into 5 slots to maximize its use. Start with 1 Toppings slot and get 1 more through levels 15, 20, 25 and 30. For example: Solid Almond x5 Swift Chocolate x5 Searing Raspberry x5 Juicy Apple Jelly x5 Depending on the role of the cookie, you choose the appropriate type of Toppings: RoleToppingsEffectsMagicSearing Raspberry, Swift ChocolateATK, CooldownRangedSearing Raspberry, Bouncing Caramel, Juicy Apple JellyATK, ATK SPD, CRITSupportSwift Chocolate, Solid Almond, Sweet CandyCooldown, DMG Resist, Amplify BuffChargeSearing Raspberry, Solid AlmondATK, DMG ResistDefenseSolid Almond, Fresh Kiwi, Hard Walnut, Healthy Peanut, Hearty HazelnutDMG Resist, Debuff Resist, DEF, HP, CRIT ResistHealingSwift Chocolate, Sweet CandyCooldown, Amplify Buff Using toppings increases damage and reduces cooldown for Magic Cookie. Using toppings increases damage, attack speed and crit for Ranged Cookie. Use toppings to reduce cooldown, DMG Resist and Amplify Buff for Support Cookie. Using toppings increases damage, resistance for Charge Cookie. Use toppings to increase defense, health and crit resistance for Defense Cookie. Use toppings to reduce cooldown and amplify buff for Heal Cookie. For example: Moonlight Cookie is a Magic, you can use Swift Chocolate or Searing Raspberry. How Get Toppings ? You need to complete levels and go on hot air balloon expeditions to get Toppings. How To Upgrade Toppings ? To upgrade Toppings you will use Topping Pieces and Coins. As follows: LevelPiecesCoins1380023800342,4453,2554664,8775,6886,4997,21011811128,812149,6 Each time you upgrade Topping, the success rate will increase when upgrading fails. The success rate of upgrading Topping depends on the level of Topping. LevelSuccess %Increases success % on failure1100%2100%390%5%480%5%570%5%665%5%750%3%845%3%940%3%1035%3%1130%2%1225%2% The maximum upgrade level depends on the rarity of the Toppings. XS can be upgraded to +6, S can be upgraded to +9. M can be upgraded to +12. Topping will receive random bonus effects when raised to +6, +9 and +12. ATK1% ~ 3%HP1% ~ 3%CRIT%1% ~ 3%DMG Resist1% ~ 6%Amplify Buff1% ~ 2%DEF1% ~ 3%ATK SPD1% ~ 3%Cooldown1% ~ 2%CRIT Resist3% ~ 4%Debuff Resist1% ~ 2% Resonant Toppings will receive random bonus effects when raised to +6, +9 and +12. ATK2% ~ 3%CRIT%2% ~ 3%DMG Resist4.5% ~ 6%ATK SPD2% ~ 3%Cooldown1.5% ~ 2%CRIT Resist3.5% ~ 4%